“Boxed In” is a comedy following a couple’s move into a new flat, surrounded by their eccentric friends. As they unpack cardboard boxes, their relationships reveal quirks and complexities, leading to laughter and heartwarming moments. Set against the backdrop of South Manchester, the play explores the mishaps and idiosyncrasies of their friendships, delivering a joyful celebration of the messy journey of daytime telly, life and connection.
Written by George Unitt
Directed by Patrick Kennedy
Cast:Sherrelle McCalla as Neve
Sarah Sweeney as Jolly
Jack Kyriacou as Jordan
Finn McDonald as Stoney
George Walker as The Landlord
Patrick Kennedy as Nidge
Crew:Costume Design – Matilda Herd
Set Design – Tom Green, Robin Broadley and Jodi Venca Dora
Graphic Design – Ella Bainbridge
Marketing – Michael Hayden
Salford M3 6AN